My EDS Treatment Approach

If you have EDS, I know you don’t need an education on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). New patients looking for a new PT or family members assessing the experience of the best physical therapists treating complex connective tissue disorders in Baltimore, Maryland or anywhere in the U.S., let me share my approach treating patients with mild to severe movement of joints and tissue.

Due to the hyper-mobility of the joints, the soft tissues (muscles, fascia, ligaments etc.) can become overloaded and fatigued during PT treatment. This fatigue occurs because myofascial structures in EDS patients are highly innervated and are a common source of widespread pain and fatigue. My treatment approach starts with gradual tissue movements followed by joint motions over longer rest phases as well as based on what stage of mobility you can sustain. As your body responds to treatment, I shift my focus to myofascial release treatments and dry needling to help restore muscle function and blood flow. My objective is to greatly reduce chronic and debilitating pain while increasing your comfort with mobility and movement.

Together, we'll teach your nervous system to perceive movement as safe rather than threatening while adopting a gradual and comfortable approach to movement. This is the most personally rewarding work that I do in my practice. I’d love to connect with you to learn about your EDS physical therapy experiences and how I can help. If you’re ready, please fill our my New Patient Consultation form to schedule a free 20-minute consultation.

ehlers-danlos syndrome treatment

“Through a slow, specialized treatment plan to support pain management, patients can find relief for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and associated complications of EDS.”

Dr. Rob Satriano
Satriano Physiotherapy

Diagnoses and Treatment Plans

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is unique in many ways, one of which is the length of time it can go undiagnosed. Given the wide array of issues it can cause, patients often find themselves bouncing back and forth between doctors and diagnoses. Many patients wait for months and sometimes decades to see geneticists and other specialists before being given a diagnosis.

Once diagnosed, there are two critical components in the treatment of EDS:

  1. Proper treatment and diagnosis of musculoskeletal components

  2. Slow desensitization of the amplified nervous system (which is usually stuck in a chronic state of fight or flight.)

Patients with EDS have often seen many practitioners and prescribed various types of exercises. Unfortunately, many practitioners are not well versed with the nuances of EDS and thus prescribe exercises that are inappropriate or irrelevant for patients.

I approach treating EDS by creating individualized exercise plans/ movement strategie for each patient.

I’ll likely recommend different types of low-impact exercises that focus on stability and fluid movements. As you begins to feel safe with movement again and their nervous system calms down, physical therapy is progressed.  The goal is to get you back to participating in all forms of activities, exercise and strength training as tolerated.

Schedule Your Consultation

Schedule a 20-minute phone call with me, and we can determine if I am the right practitioner for you. I schedule new patient consultations between Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. My Baltimore office is conveniently located near Towson, Timonium, Cockeysville, and Roland Park.

Ready to get started?

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